Thursday, January 31, 2008

Why do I have such an odd sense of humor?

I do not know why my mind works this way, but I just received one of those recorded election time  phone calls from Mitt Romney. Usually I hang up on recorded messages but since I am interested in the state of my country I listened. Did you know that he (Mr. Romney) and I are going to change things in Washington? Funny, I didn't know that either.

May the Lord find us faithful.


  1. With all those brains you can!!!! LOL.....

  2. too bad you cannot share some of your thoughts by osmosis or someway to help him better! I too laughed out loud! pv

  3. lol, I'm already getting tired of all the political stuff. My daughters usually answer the phone, so the recording gets wasted on them - hey, maybe they could change Washington too!

  4. LOL! How funny! That would have amused me, too, if it were my phone call. ;o)

    Thank you, too, for rejoicing with us.

    We are SO delighted to have Daddy home. ;o)

    Have a blessed Lord's day!

    ~ Christina
