Friday, January 18, 2008

One tired crock pot

Melissa's crock pot here. I am wore out but I still am working hard this week. After I cooked the Southwest Meat and Potato Stew last Saturday I thought my week may be an easy one, not at all, although I did get a couple of days off at the beginning of the week. Monday night I worked all night making oatmeal for breakfast. Thursday all day I cooked, she got out my divided inserts, (now I am cooking two different types of food) one side held brown rice and the other cubed moose roast which was thankfully later turned into pepper steak on the stove top. My inserts we washed and I was put away but not for long. The inserts came back out  Friday and I am cooking hot dogs on one side and chili on the other. All because the family will be out playing(while I am slaving away at home) for a while this afternoon and she wants them to have a hot meal when they return home. I wish we could go back to the days when she didn't think ahead and make these menus. Argh!! At least she hasn't learned how to use me to make bread, yet!

 May the Lord find us faithful.


  1. Tomorrow we have some company coming over, so we'll be making taco soup in our crock pot while we are out sledding. Oatmeal in the crockpot? tell me more about that.

  2. I was curious about it because my husband was reading in "Nutritional Traditions" that oatmeal is hard to digest unless soaked overnight. I bet this would do the trick! I love oatmeal, but unfortunately my kids do not. I might try this sometime anyway. Thanks for the recipes!


  3. What a creative way to write that post! I love it! Have you been using a language arts prompt book for your blogs?? Maybe that is what I need to get me inspired. Unfortunately for my pocketbook and sink, my only servant to work hard this past week was the washing machine! What a story that would be! :)

    Thanks for the laugh! Keep up the good cooking!

    In Christ, Eva

  4. *giggles*

    Mine is right behind yours. Hey, I need a good oatmeal recipe for my crockpot. I made one 2 weeks ago and it was like rubber mush.

