Monday, January 3, 2011

I am horrible at first days!

I did not do well with the first day back to our lessons today. We did get through the day and we even got outside after Benjamin woke up from his nap, so that is a good day in my book.
Tomorrow will be better.
Right now I am off to put Benjamin to bed and watch Hockey Night with my older blessings. This is an old movie from way back in 1987 but they love it! Megan Fellows, aka Anne Shirley, is in this movie....good times. I miss the 80s! Kind of!


  1. At least you got through it. I think first days are the worst, too. I am getting my husband's cold, which he got from our blessings. Ugh.

  2. We had trouble getting into gear this week as well. I am praying that tomorrow is better.
