Sunday, January 23, 2011

As you can see....

from the lack of posting that nothing much has been going on here. It has been one of "those" weeks. The temperatures have been pretty low all week and one or more of the Blessings have been in some stage of this cold that is making its way through our family. Today is Sunday and I am home with three of them; one has a barky cough, and two are stuffy and coughing. Never fear, school has continued this week since the colds aren't the kind of colds that knock them down and the in home activity level has stayed quite active. We just have to stay in to avoid others because around here we do not believe in sharing our colds. I think it is quite selfish to go out and share this type of thing so we stay home until the course has run.

On a different note: I just heard this from the kitchen, "Is(Elisabeth) more....IS MORE!" He wants more of whatever Is just gave him.


  1. Bless you dear blogland friend. We, too, hunker down when the coughs and snots are running their course. It drives me INSANE when people bring their kids to my Sunday school class they are hacking all over me and Prince Charming. Sharing, in that case, is rude ;)

  2. Good morning. If only more people would do as you do, especially at church. That really gets me when I hear a child hacking behind me in church. I am thinking of starting a new fad, the mask!
