Monday, April 30, 2007


Even though my house does not look like it completely, I did accomplish much today.

The to-do list:

1. Laundry


3.Empty dishwasher and refill and run

4.vacuum rug at front door

5. school

6.remove winter clothes from girls closet

7. hang cleaned summer clothes in girls closet

8.go for a walk

I think that was it, I would like to blink and my house be clean, organized and every little project completed, but that is  not reality. Reality is that the work needs to be done by me. Tomorrow I have some little people coming by while their Mom goes to the dentist, so I am unsure what kind of day I will have. I so desire a routine day. It has not happened for a while now but we should get there on Wednesday, well, not Wednesday, we have a rescheduled piano lesson that day and then church, so we will aim for Thursday. Next week should resemble more of a "normal" week for us. I think the calendar is empty for that week.

I am looking forward to the used curriculum fair, last year was my first year to go and I found some wonderful things and hope to find more wonderful things this year.

The blessings had a wonderful day outside after school work was finished and cleaned up, until blessings #2 and #3 decided to take up tree climbing, blessing #1is very cautious and just watched and suggested they not climb trees. Blessing #2 fell and scraped up her arm pretty good. I had to clean and bandage the wound and she was still a little dramatic about the whole thing with little "ows" when she would move here arm. I gave her ibuprofen after dinner and she seemed less sensitive to movement. Time flew this evening, by the time I noticed, it was nine o'clock and baths still had to be had by all(I had sprayed them down with bug spray). Blessing #1 ended up going to bed on his own(that has never happened) while I got the other two bathed and ready for bed and it was about 10:45 before they got to bed. I hurried up and mopped and got the bathtub cleaned and the bathroom put back together and decided to post a quick post before heading off for my shower and few minutes to read before crashing.

That is pretty much our day in a nut shell.

May the Lord find us faithful.


1 comment:

  1. I crave "normal" days! I get them on Mondays and Thursdays, usually, unless I mess them up! But I know what you mean. It is just good to have days at home. "You can't homeschool if you are not home to school", I've heard somewhere. We used to do a lot of Van School! I quit that. Now I try to be home 2 days a week. That is still kind of sad, now that I think of it. In 4 weeks, we will be home on Tuesdays as co-op is going to be over for the year then. That will help. I hope you get your normal day!

