Saturday, April 7, 2007

Jenn's childbirth post

Jenn's childbrith post sparked a little curosity for me. Jenn was a nurse before she had her blessings, I have a teaching degree. Did you have a career before you had your blessings? What is your education background. I have a teaching degree but I never taught my own class before I had the blessings.

May the Lord find us faithful.

1 comment:

  1. You know. I have thought about this question too. I don't know what others did before kids! Thanks for asking. I may ask the same question myself.


    PS I hope to never have to be a nurse again! I love being a mommy! Although, I do miss the money sometimes. We wouldn't be moving if I were working now. But, I am doing what my husband wants, so I am at peace with it all.
