Well, he made it through one day, he took a long time but there were others who were not finished when we left.
But, the major news, my kids have played outside two days in a row without their winter gear on, they have on light weight gloves, fleece jackets and hats and their mud boots. There hasn't been much melting today as it is overcast a little cooler than yesterday. But days like this are nice during break up as it gives the water that has accumulated a little time to evaporate and dry up before more is added. I think fairly soon we will begin to se RVs and tour buses rolling down the road, a sure sign that winter is over!! Then we have tourist season!!!!! If you want to see the real Alaska do NOT take a tour, explore on your own. And come see me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am exhausted but when my sweetheart gets home we have to run out and vote before dinner. Then I am eating and crashing!!!
May the Lord find us faithful.
Good luck on the testing! We were having some really warm days. Today made it to almost 80, but the rest of the week it's going to be pretty chilly!