Well, here goes
Blessing#1 Water broke around 6pm. Contractions started around midnight, dialated to 10 by 3am, when I got to 10, my contractions stopped and I had NO sensation to push and I was having back labor and no meds. He was not born until 9:17am. I had to have petocin (spelling?) I made myself push him out. I was exhausted.
Blessing #2 Water broke at around 6am, no back labor but when I got to 10 again, I still did not feel the urge to push and contractions stopped, no meds. But she was born at 10:45am so not as long.
Blessing #3 Born 15 months after blessing #2, water did not break, I lost my mucus plug around 5-6pm and we were at an outdoor show walking around. Around 9pm contractions were regular but not close enough to go in. Finally went to hospital around 12 midnight and asked for an epidural. My friend Pa-Pa was with me and so was my sweetheart, he slept while I laid there peacefully dialating at around 4am I looked at my friend and asked her to get the nurse to check me as I felt the urge to push, FINALLY, I knew what that felt like. She was born rather quickly and was born with a pneumothorax (they said it was like a small hole in the lungs or something like that) one nurse described as the baby did not get a good enough squeeze on the way out!! Maybe because she did not sit in the birth canal for hours like my first two did!!!!! She was fine within a couple of hours but she had to stay in the nursery to be monitored for 24 hours.
That is all, there is no more.
May the Lord find us faithful.
Third time was the charm for you! I often wonder if I would have made it through labor if I had been born 100 years ago. My Trevor certainly would not have lived. I am so thankful that God knew exactly when to put me on this earth. And He knew not to put the desire for a home birth on my heart too. That would have been disastrous as well.