First, I finally spent my Christmas money and bought this grain mill
to make this.....
. Pretty good for a first try.
Now, spring has sprung, it was about 75 degrees today and a warm time was had by all!! In an effort to lose weight (only me, the blessings do not need to lose weight) and view nature, the blessings and I have been walking every evening after dinner and dishes. We live near an old gravel pit so we usually walk through there and the blessings climb the gravel piles and run across the top jumping from pile to pile.
The sky is so blue today, it is just amazing. I am not sure why blessing #2 has on that jacket, I think the mosquitoes were bothering her before we left, they are vicious when the sun goes behind the clouds, even if for a minute!
This dirty, scraggley haired little blessing(#3) is holding a rock in her hands that she called her chicken rock. I forgot to get the story when we got home, but that one is going to be written down for sure!
Lastly for tonight
This nest has been here for years, some years it is home to bald eagles and other years hawks. I think this year it is a hawk, I tried to get a picture of the bird flying but it would not cooperate!
I took some flora and fauna pictures but they did not download. If I can find them, maybe my next post can be a What is this plant or tree? How well do you know your Alaska greenery? But for now, I am off for a long soak in the tub, I do not do that often enough. (I do shower daily) I just do not endulge in the full blown tub full of water soak. So, I am off. As always....
May the Lord find us faithful.
My oldest thinks your pictures today are great, me too. We especially liked seeing the bird's nest. That's neat. Have a great weekend.