Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How Does Our Garden Grow?

Here is the whole garden, we expanded a bit this year.

The green beans, bush beans

The pictures are labeled for your garden viewing experience.

Some day we would like to have a real greenhouse, but for now this gives us a few tomatoes for summer enjoyment. Right now there are 14 tomatoes on the vine.

Just a close up for a zucchini for my own records.

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  1. Oh my, that's big! Looks really good. The tomatoes are impressive. Mine are not doing too well. Too wet, I think.

  2. do you get a good yield from your garden? Living in northern NH, our growing season was really short. We would be inundated with produce for about two weeks but then it was over :( lol It was crazy; all that work! Just curious as to whether it's different for you or not?

    Hope all is well. I've been offline for a while (or sporadically online). right now I'm braving the wretched NC heat to borrow some wifi. Ick.
