Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Somewhat of a photo journal of our Tuesday

I thought I would post about our Tuesday. Tuesday is different from any other day for us because we have to leave our house around 8:30 am to be at piano lessons at 9:00 am.

This was the sun on the horizon around 8:35ish. Oh how we enjoy the sunshine after the dark winter!

A somewhat blurry picture taken by me, an attempt to get the passengers, I only captured one and some of my hair. (Jenn, this was day one of the hair experiment)

I really did intend to get out earlier in the winter and get pictures of the North Pole ice sculptures that decorate our three round abouts in town. I only had to maneuver two round abouts today though.

First is a dog team circling this roundabout.
The local time was 8:37 am and the temperature was a balmy 7 degrees above zero! We will take it.

These pictures prove I am not a photographer but this was a Welcome sign and santa all that jazz.

This was one of the roads I had to skate drive on to get to piano, I am thoroughly looking forward to break up  (or break down as one friend renamed it) and warmer weather to get rid of the ice that still sits on the roads from our November freezing rain.

While the first student was having her lesson the piano teacher called out to let us know there were moose outside for viewing. I was thrilled to have the camera handy and got this picture of this cow and calf. Just ambling through the yard, down the driveway and down the road. I think they were taking the easy road to avoid the deep snow that fell a few weeks ago.

After piano we stopped at the North Pole library for an actual go inside visit. Usually we are in and out picking up books we have reserved online (like books on lasagna gardening). Benjamin loves the library but we forgot to take pictures. After the library we headed home for lunch and to pick up the ice skates and unload the school and piano bags from piano lessons.

While the big kids skate, Benjamin and I walk. Well, Benjamin usually does this while I walk! Tuesdays wear him out.
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  1. Wow, what a fun post to read! We have traffic circles here,too. I wish we could have the ice sulptures, as well. Those are awesome. Our Monday is like your Tuesday. The rest of the week we just have evening things and they are at church, only a mile away. I hope the hair experiment goes well for you all. I was surprised that my husband agreed to use the castile soap. Tomorrow when I go to the store, I'll get a bar for the boys' shower. It is down in the basement, so they can't really hare one bar with their dad since our shower is on the top floor. Have a great day!

  2. What, how interesting. It's fun to read and see how people live their lives. Sounds like a fun Tuesday. Thanks for sharing it with us. :)


  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm no great photographer either; I leave that to my kids, but I really enjoyed your shots of the ice sculptures.

  4. Everything makes my heart excited...except for the driving on ice part. I think I need different tires, more gaurdian angels, and some confidence. That worries the tar out of me.

  5. What is the "hair experiment"?

  6. Ahhhh... how precious! Your "baby" is so cute! :) I love seeing your pictures. It's been a while since I have gotten to hear all about Alaska and I enjoyed every minute of it! :) I got a chuckle about the books like the "lasagna gardening" book being on reserve at the library. Right now, I have that very book on reserve at my library waiting for me to pick it up. :)

    It was good hearing from you again. I have often wondered what you were up to. :o)

