Monday, February 26, 2007

Good Monday Morning

I am back!!!  Good morning to all. First a funny! Not long ago blessing #3 was spelling a word so she starts out spelling each letter then she says "upside down i" "upside down i". The word had two exclaimation marks at the end!!!  Blessing #1 and I just thought that was just hilarious. 

Well, everytime I substitute at our church's christian school I know that homeschooling and being at home are a priviledge that I do not take for granted. I am so thankful that I am able to keep these blessings with me to teach and to train. Plus, I was exhausted. I actually crashed yesterday afternoon. But so far so good today. There are tons of people sick here and I just knew I was next, but thankfully I am up and going this morning. But, this was a reminder to keep myself in check and to know my limits. So this week will be bare minimum. Keeping in internal(at home) as I say.

Now, onto our homes. Homes here are either built with 2X6 or 2X8 construction. Some are built with that styrofoam/concrete system. Our house was built in the 80's and is 2X6 construction. We use triple pane windows and most homes have arctic entry ways, which consist of two doors thus opening and closing one and being in an entry room then a second door to continue on into the house. Thus allowing less cold air in and heated air out. I definitely wish we had one of these, but not yet. We mainly enter and exit through our garage. I am sure the newer homes are more energy efficient. When we built on to our home a few years back my husband attended an Alaska building class to make sure he built well. I was amazed when the walls went up and thought "that is all that is between us and the -40 degrees!!" But we are as warm as can be.  

Ya'll have great day.

May the Lord find us faithful.

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