Thursday, February 28, 2008

We do school work around here

We have our school time daily, but often I only post about the fun stuff or the outdoor time we have, so without further ado..... A History salt map of Israel's divided kingdoms

Gluing the map to cardboard.

February2008105.jpg picture by kaysmarmey

Mix the salt dough.... 1 cup salt, 1 cup white flour(a good use for white flour) and water until a mud consistency.

February2008106.jpg picture by kaysmarmey

See that stack of chex and other various goodies? We made Chex mix today (reading and math)

Onlooking sisters, everyone in this family wears a hat but me.

February2008107.jpg picture by kaysmarmey

Mixing the three colors needed... blue for the seas and rivers, green for Israel and orange for Judah, the divided kingdoms. This is one reason I love homeschooling, I can teach Biblical history.

February2008110.jpg picture by kaysmarmey

Getting it all in place.

February2008114.jpg picture by kaysmarmey

A finished map to be set aside to dry before labeling.


February2008121.jpg picture by kaysmarmey

May the Lord find us faithful.


  1. That looks like a fun activity!

  2. We made salt dough maps a year or two ago and they keep asking to make them again. Yours are great!


  3. The kids must have loved it. Thanks for sharing that.
