Tuesday, February 19, 2008

All this talk of Mother Culture...

...is just what I have needed.  (Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival) I am working through Home Education for a little while now (I read volume 6 first) and I have been amazed at how comprehensive her teachings are.  More on that later.

Now to the purpose of this post. I spent some time outside playing with my blessings. Well, okay, I took them sledding at the gravel pit by our house and I took pictures. But....

  1. They could not have gone sledding if I had not gone out, too far away.

  2. I got some exercise and fresh air.

  3. It was about 30 above and I needed to get out side as well.

Now for the pictures.

The climb, it was two steps forward, slid back a little.

February2008054.jpg picture by kaysmarmey

Then, one blessing figured out that the sled could help make climbing a little easier.

February2008060.jpg picture by kaysmarmey


May the Lord find us faithful.February2008062.jpg picture by kaysmarmey

February2008059.jpg picture by kaysmarmey-I wore my black bunny boots.

February2008069.jpg picture by kaysmarmey

Now our gear is drying by the wood stove and I can't say we are as it just wasn't that cold and we did not get chilled.

February2008082.jpg picture by kaysmarmey

February2008083.jpg picture by kaysmarmey


  1. I love your sledding pictures! I have seen that orange sled EVERYWHERE, I gotta get me one of those!

    What a great sledding hill. Thank you for sharing your day with me.

    because of Jesus, Bobbie

  2. Looks cold to me! Glad you were able to get out for a bit...

  3. I hear you! We do need to make time in our day to go outside WITH our kids. I wish I was better at that. I will make a new start! (As soon as these colds pass.)


  4. Fun pictures - glad to see your winter gear too! I esp. like all the boots by the woodstove - that's what I need.

    Well, it was fun catching up with you, but I have to head outside - coyotees in our field right now & I let the chickens out in the barn (it's above 0 today). The coyotees could go in the barn if they wanted to.

    Have a nice day Melissa! BTW, I keep wanting to tell you how much I like the raspberries on top - my FAVORITE food!!! Next time, if you can get a moose eatting raspberries, that would be the ultimate - lol.

  5. Oooh! I love the snow photos! What fun!

    We, too, were enjoying the snow (while we were on our trip). Cold... but fun! ;o)

    Hope you enjoy your weekend

    and have a blessed Lord's Day!

    ~ Christina


  6. I shiver just looking at your pics!
