Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Hot and sunny,then a nice breeze blew in

It was hot yesterday and it is hot again today. About 30 minutes ago a nice wind blew in and has cooled us off a bit. I have washed about 4-5 loads of laundry today and hung them on the line, the last one is out there and I have a load of towels that just finished washing, they go in the dryer. I still have to make a cake for the reception on Saturday, but I think that will wait until I get home from church tonight. It is a little too warm right now to use the oven. When it is hot here, it is hot! At this time my weather sticker says 83 degrees.

Our day, we have had and will continue to have a full week, this is our only full day at home. So, we are not schooling this week. This afternoon I made a picnic lunch and we spread a quilt and had a leisurely lunch in the yard with good conversation and lots of fruit and veggies. Yes, I have many things to do, but they could wait while I had some time with the blessings. They have been outside so much with summer that I feel as though I do not see them enough. Maybe that is another reason while I chose to school is summer, to spend time with them!!

May the Lord find us faithful.

1 comment:

  1. It's hot, but is it humid? I love warm days with low humidity. As soon as the humidity starts to climb, I am miserable with allergies and the grumps. I am looking for a summer hide away. Right now Canada is in the lead. What does Alaska have to offer me? (lol, I am dreaming. I have no money to go anywhere but in my dreams...)

