Friday, June 15, 2007

Alaska flora from my yard (Mid May)

 May2007121.jpgThis is fireweed, it gets a hot pinkish to purpleish flower.

May2007122.jpg This is our lone birch   tree that lives inside of our yard.

May2007123.jpg This was my rhubarb in May, now it is huge.

May2007115.jpg Here is a tree with a nest in it, I do not know if it is being used or not, but here it is.

I will try to get out and get some pictures of things now that things are in full bloom and still growing.

May the Lord find us faithful.



  1. Nice pictures. My rhubarb isn't doing great. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong - I thought it should just spring up like a weed, but it is still small after planting it a year ago.

  2. That's a great idea, taking pictures of the flora in your yard. I am just learning about our yard this year. Would an eagle use that nest or something else?

