Saturday, June 16, 2007

Flowers and men

Today is sunny, we have had rain almost every day this week and last, so it is nice to get out and enjoy the yard and hang some clothes.


Here is my rhubard now, just a little under a month since the picture in the previous post.

June2007415.jpg  Here are the flowers by the front door and there is also this little red wagon full of pansies and lobelia. Then, there are the flower pots I placed next to the swing.

June2007416.jpg                June2007423.jpg

June2007422.jpg Here is my lone fern, I am looking forward to this thing spreading. I would love to have more of these.

And, my first iris bloomed this morning.


Now, the men part of the post. My husband arrived home this morning from dip-netting red salmon, they did not get their limit so he will have to go back and get the rest. This is a subsistance fishing trip and we love our red salmon!!! He arrived home and he and blessing #1 changed gears and are now headed down to the church's camp to do some planning and prep work for the work team that comes next week. They are putting working bathrooms into the dorms!!! This is wonderful. We got one inside toliet and shower in the main cabin two or three years ago and now the dorms are getting bathrooms. There is still no electricity at the camp but they do run a generator during the day to run the fridge/freezer and water pump.  Electricity may come in the next few years though, it is getting closer to the property every year.  Anyway, I just wanted to show my most wonderful husband and his son in their Carharrts ready for the work ahead of them today. I just love that man. And, my son came in and gave me an extra hug and kiss before he left since he was going to be gone. He is growing up very quickly, I think he will be going on his first halibut trip with Dad next month.

June2007418.jpg    June2007417.jpg

Happy Saturday,

May the Lord find us faithful.


1 comment:

  1. I am just in love with flowers. I could spend my last dime on them. I smile as I walk past my flowers. Yours are smile worthy too! They are just lovely! And as for men, I know the feeling. My son is growing up too quickly as well. Does your son want to be a fisherman too, like his dad? Ryan hasn't said he wants to work at the bakery for a long time. I think he considers that work and nothing glamorous like being a vet.

