Greetings from Alaska where we are taking a little break from breakup with some cooler temperatures. That is okay because I sometimes enjoy these breaks from slushy roads and puddles.
Today I am down twenty-four pounds.
My husband brought this shirt back from his trip to Anchorage. I would have never worn this shirt before weightloss because of the longer length and the way I would have looked.
The girls and I went dress shopping since dresses are abundant right now and on sale and Fred's had an extra 15% off clothing coupon and I had an extra 30% off one item coupon. Win win. Oh, and I took a selfie in the three way mirror in the dressing room area.
For the first time in I do not know how many years I am actually enjoying wearing jeans. As in I do not run to my room and change as soon as I get home.
You look downright slender, lady! Internet High Five!