Monday, March 31, 2008


 We woke up to snow this morning. I sure would not want to be out there in this today, there were huge standing water puddles in town yesterday from the melting snow. Today is our only full day home this week, so we must make the most of it. Blessing #1 has testing Tues. - Fri. so the majority of our day will be spent waiting for him. This week will be a stark comparison from last week! Must go be productive. Must go be productive. Bye,

 May the Lord find us faithful.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I am so glad you had last week to get rested up and ready for this busy week ahead. Snow right now would be kind of a bummer for me. I put out my geraniums, that I had saved over the winter in the garage, today. They are ragged looking, but should perk up with some sun and water and warmer temperatures. At least I am praying spring will be here soon! Have a good week despite the running around.

