Monday, March 3, 2008


Howdy again, twice in one day. No, I am not spending my day online, just popping back in. The little people are all getting geared up to head outside. I just helped the one who needed help and my youngest is taking him out now. I am getting ready to do a quick home blessing and make a batch of bread. I am getting the grinding out of the way while the blessings are getting geared up so I can listen for any noises!  I know that most of the country is beginning to have spring like weather or at least a little relief from the coldness of winter, BUT, we are still in full swing of winter. In fact, Winter Carnival is beginning here in our area. That said I found this quote that I thought I would share.


"Winter is the time for comfort...

It is the time for home."

Dame Edith Sitwell

May the Lord find us faithful.


  1. I like that quote! A time for home and comfort! Yes, I will share the recipe. I just made it up today, in fact. I was not sure it would work. Let me taste is first. *wink*


  2. Nice quote - okay, can we have Spring now? lol We aren't over winter here yet either - I'm sooooo tired of cold & snow. I hope it comes soon for both of us. Have a lovely day!

  3. I like that quote. It gives me a better perspective than the poor-pitiful-me-I-want-spring-blues!! :)
