Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Pitiful but True

What is pitiful but true? The fact that I get about 75% of my "news" from Facebook. I don't mean what my friends are doing, but I mean real news, you know like earthquakes in Virginia. Bless those peoples hearts that post such things. Not to downplay the Virginia earthquake at all but we have earthquakes here in Alaska very regularly. One of our local homeschool moms posted a link to the USGS website that shows earthquake activity in the US. Pretty neat, I'd say.


  1. I don't find that too "pitiful," since most people seem to be very connected to facebook and other types of technological media.

    I'm very thankful that where I live, we don't have earthquakes, for there are no known fault lines my city, yeah!

  2. Huh, I didn't even know there was a quake. I rarely watch tv or have the radio on. Jeff tells me to check the Druge Report at least once a day...but sometimes I forget or don't have time. I'd say God is trying to wake our nation up with all that has been going on...and still they don't get it.

    I haven't been on Facebook much lately, at least not like I use too, but that's how I get most of our family news too.

  3. Stopped following the news a couple years ago. I used to get consumed in it. I have five other people in my house who need me to be optimistic!

    Now, if something big happens, I usually get a phone call from my sister or mom. After the earthquake in Japan, I camped out at my computer for a few days, watching all the footage and crying.

    So - no judgment here about you getting your news from Facebook. You are more informed than me!

  4. I think social media is everyone's news link now. I read yesterday where even government officials were using Titter to get the word out to people. Blessings! ~ Nikki
