Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I wish I had time to blog today, but the domino effect is in full force here this week. We removed all items from my girl's big closet (3 garbage bags of broken or just plain paper trash and three giveaway boxes gone! YAY!) Now their room is clean but it left much aftermath in other rooms through moving things around or items taken out of their room. Much to do today and tomorrow to be able to enjoy the weekend. Off I go!
I have camping pictures to post....must go work!


  1. I understand the too busy to post. I've been working on planning, transcripts, planning and oh, yes, planning. *sigh* I'm making progress, but it is slow!

    Hope you get lots done!


  2. Wow, very productive! I can't wait to see your camping pictures. We are off to a family cabin this weekend for our vacation. The cabin is our splurge since we usually tent camp. :-)
