Monday, August 28, 2006

Ending an unusual day

Well, I had a better ending than beginning of my day. I know that I need to exercise to see any weight loss (and I need to lose weight!) So, in my working toward a fall school schedule I have planned time in that schedule for exercise once school begins next week. But, there is no time like the present. Tonight was beautiful and sunny so the blessings were outside playing then when I came out to sit and practice knitting they all jumped on their bikes as they can ride farther when I am outside. (By the way Angela, I bought shorter, bamboo needles and I sat tonight until I finally think I got it!!!!) So, once I got it, I thought what would be better exercise than riding my bicycle with them. We all got going and rode and rode. I had the dog running beside me to wear her out so I can get a good evening of more knitting practice instead of having to let her out every 20 minutes. She will crash when the house gets quiet.


I am going to use this blog to work on my exercise goal. I need accountability, so today I rode bikes with the kids for about 30-45 minutes.

Also, my Sunday School teacher gave us a scripture passage (Proverbs 2:1-11)to memorize this week, so I will also be working on that!

May the Lord find us faithful.

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