Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Today's partial to do list. I began using Bullet Journaling back in March and so far this is the planning system for me. I love planning but I have tossed away too many half used planners over the years. This is simple and works for me. Before you go and look for YouTube videos about bullet journals go to bulletjournal dot com and watch the original video. Simple system and no empty planner pages. I use a regular notebook with a pocket instead of the notebook the guy on the website uses.

Biology with Elisabeth. That is one thick book.

I had my annual eye exam today. Does your eye doctor have a Hoosier cabinet and retro toys? Mine does. 

The eye doctor dialted my eyes and wow my eyes feel so awful. Good thing they are finally getting back to normal. 

Everyone is studying World History this year. The girls are using Mystery of History and the curriculum suggested a couple of movies while studying Ancient Egypt and the Exodus so those were available and we ended our school day by watching one of the movies. Made for a quiet end to the school day and I couple close me eyes in between dinner prep in the kitchen. 

The duck hunters returned home at dinner time. After dinner we went to vote in municipal elections before the polls closed. 

The current night time activity had been playing Crazy 8's before bedtime each evening. Benjamin loves games. 

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