Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Yesterday's Progress

<p>One table came down last night and this morning I got the boxes stowed until I can return them. All that is left on the table are some books I am going to attempt to sell and a scrabble game and extra tiles for a craft project. Now onto the remainder of the room!


  1. Wow, you are making progress. So what do you do? You are borrowing books?? From a homeschool lending library or what?

    1. We are part of a state home school program so I return things to them. Alaska programs allow great freedoms so at this time it is a good fit for our family and I have complete control of our education with only two or three easy hoops to jump through.

  2. I'm impressed too. I need to go through our books for this year too. My pile isn't quite so daunting though. :o)

  3. Good job. So glad you got it done.
