Monday, August 6, 2012


I still have a long way to go but I am making progress.


  1. Good for you. To tell you the truth Melissa, I had to look back at your before pictures to fully appreciate your progress, but yes, I see, much better. I keep expecting to see a photo of you buried in books, lol. Do you have all your books for this fall too?

    1. I do have most of our books on the shelf. I needed a year of my not putting a bunch of different resources together so we are using Trailguide to Learning Paths of Settlement from Geography Matters and adding math and a couple of other things for big brother to challenge him. That kept the quantity of books down for this year but I have three boxes that are leaving my house asap. The front table was almost empty when I went to bed last night. Now to go through the preschool activities for Benjamin...never ending but oh so worth it.

  2. I finish ordering books yesterday. I did go with apologia and got the notebook like you said

    1. I think you will really enjoy that, look at you shopping!! That makes me happy. Which one did you choose?
