Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Schedule, what's that?

I feel like we have no schedule, BUT we do, it just isn't the one I think we should have.

 Number 1 - I do not get up early enough. I set the alarm and then just snooze and snooze, I think I should get a new alarm clock.

 Number 2 - The weather is still soooooo nice here which is rare that we are staying out in the evenings later, thus getting in to bed later. I do have the reassurance that this will end within a month as we usually have snow on the ground by the 20th of October(usually some time in the teens of the month of October). This does not keep us inside all winter but we go out less as there is the gear to be doned before going out.

 Number 3- we have not started music lessons yet, this starts next week, therefore we have not practiced in a while. I have a difficult time practicing without the lessons for accountability!

Number 4- We have not been doing afternoons as I would like. I have planned afternoons for music practice, read alouds and art/handiwork projects. We have had art once!!!

Number 5- I feel as though I still have home projects to take care of and I need to make time for them.

Number 6- All the outside "things" that need to be accomplished.

May the Lord find us faithful.

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