Sunday, July 23, 2006

Life as we know it

Life as most Americans lives it, is full of fast paced, overcommited, busy, fast-food eating junk. Our Sunday School lesson for day included the statement, "Overcommited lives and underdeveloped spiritual lives." That statement stuck out to me like a sore thumb. I have always work diligently to keep our lives in check and not overcommit, especially when it comes to our children. They are too young to be overcommited. They need time to be children, to play in the sand and dirt, ride their bikes and all the other things they do. Swimming was an eye opener to me, lessons lasted for forty five minutes but there was the prep, drive(short as it may be), it effected our whole day! The blessings learned a lot and we will do lessons again in the winter, BUT we will not be on the sign up for this and that lesson bandwagon. We will be working on developing their spiritual lives this school year!

May the Lord find us faithful.

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