Monday, May 27, 2013

Today I said yes

Today would have been an easy day to work in the house and in the yard with cleaning and what not.
But I said yes to:
• a last minute gathering with friends
• a muddy ride in the go kart
• jumping on the trampoline with the crew

You see, I am usually the no Mom. No is easy. No is safe. No usually means no mud. No means I watch.

Today a second friend, sister in Christ, and fellow church member went home to heaven. Two dear friends, two wives, two mothers, two cancers, three month time span.

Today I am sad for self, the family and friends.  But I am not sad for Lisa because she became whole today, she went home today, she met her Savior today. Lisa left behind an example of witnessing and proclaiming how great our God is. Until the end, God was her strength and Salvation.

So, today I began by getting muddy by saying yes to living, enjoying life and the people in this life with me. I was able to let some of the teen girls at church see me outside of four walls and Sunday best. May my Blessings remember today as the day Mom said yes to fun along with them.  May that build strong relationships with my Blessings and those that grow alongside them.

So, here I am mud and all. Living everyday from today forward because we know not what tomorrow brings.


  1. So sorry...but yeah for mud.

  2. Good for you! Sorry for your losses. It's wonderful for them, but devastating for everyone left behind.

  3. That is great that you are saying yes more. I know it's something I've struggled with too. Looks like you had a great time. Sorry for your losses.

  4. That's a good reminder. I tend to say no also.
