Thursday, June 17, 2010


Busy, busy, or maybe I should say distracted, distracted.
Summer is so full here in Alaska: gardening, playing outside, summer reading program and the list goes on and on.
It doesn't help that we have an 18 month old that loves to be out of doors, I mean loves it. I can only ask the older blessings to watch him so long before they grow weary. So, I spend many an afternoon keeping an eye on the little guy while he plays outside. And he doesn't play in one place, he is a mover and a shaker.
I bought a new, smaller camera so I plan on finding a small media case so I can carry the camera around full time in the diaper bag. I saw some interesting things today in North Pole. Like two teens set up with electric guitars in front of the local Safeway playing to raise money for prostate cancer. My kids said, "They start playing and then they stop." and "They sound awful!" Bless their hearts, I hope they raised some money for the cause though! My donation was given inside for the overpriced cookie sales for prostate cancer donations. There is always something that I think my blog friends would find interesting when I am out and about.


  1. Oh good! I can't wait to see what you find to delight us!

  2. Your little guy sounds like ours. Always on the go! Keep that camera ready! :)

    God bless,

