94 days isn't much time left. It is also nice to see the baby is closer to home than to zero! There is much to do but it is so nice to know that baby's birth is getting closer every day. I go to the DR tomorrow for my monthly check in and it is the glucose test day as well. While I am talking pregnancy talk, sleep was painful last night. Both hips hurt so no matter which side I tried to sleep on it was no use. I had a friend inform me this morning that there is a name for that and that it doesn't go away until the baby comes. Goody, something to look forward to!! I actually hope that is was just the effects of a lot of house cleaning yesterday which meant being on my feet most of the day. I would love to sleep good tonight. I must go read up on how we are going to build the igloo this week......
May the Lord find us faithful.
Hello! I hope you have not given up on me! I have been putting my nose to the grindstone since coming home from vacation. I don't see any end in sight. Oh well, blogging will just have to wait. Anyway, I wanted you to know that I have been keeping up with you and am so excited that you are in the home stretch! Have you tried putting pillows between your knees? That helped me a lot. I remember those achy hips at night. No fun. God bless!
that sleeping with a pillow or two between my legs relieved that pain. I hope you are sleeping better now.