Monday, November 9, 2009

I need a plan

Oh, Ugh! I need a plan! We have a schedule but I honestly think I need something in writing posted on the wall for all of us to see and for my own accountability. You know if I write it down the kids think it needs to happen, so let it be said so let it be done. Plus, maybe my husband seeing a schedule will help me stay on track, I know there is enough time to do what needs to be done, I must be mismanaging time.  I really, really want to work on it tonight but after this is posted I am going to get to sleep so I can begin our day on time tomorrow. Tomorrow afternoon is piano day and if we don't get up on time the morning is gone and we haven't finished our morning schooling.

On a lighter note, Baby Blessing is so close to walking, he is standing on his own and he took a step over the weekend. His first year is quickly coming to a close and I find it so difficult to believe! But it is true.


May the Lord find us faithful.


  1. Plans are good. We have one, but lately I haven't been too disciplined in doing it - dreaming of unschooling I guess. Today will be better I think, Actually I think I'd like to take Nov. & Dec. off and just regroup in January, how does that sound? lol No, I better get busy. You know, our "toddler" comes home Friday, and then I'll wish I had all this time to get things done.

  2. Every Sunday night I print out a list of our subjects with the books we are using on an Excel table, and write in what pages need to be done. I wouldn't get half of it done if I didn't see it there reminding me that we had to do it. I have one for the shared subjects that I do with my 4th and 6th graders, one for each of them individually for their on their own subjects, and one for my K'er.

    I'm enjoying catching up and reading your blog again this morning. You are an encouragement.

