I definitely feel better today, maybe getting out for piano and a trip to Fred Meyer was helpful? or maybe it was the vacuuming and dust removing and a little time cooking and baking in the kitchen? Whatever it was, I feel better about schedules and making the most of our days. We accomplished what school needed to be accomplished this morning. Side note: Dad, did you find any good tickets, we would love a visit!
I didn't have to grocery shop today so maybe that was a source of goodness for my day!
Oh, my the Christmas decorations are calling to me! I love the winter decorations, the reds and greens and the lights! Not the blue though, it isn't for me.
I read Treasuring God in our Traditions by Noel Piper a couple of years ago, one of our dear assistant Pastor's wives loaned me her copy. I devoured the book and passed it right back. I am re reading the Christmas section in preparation for December. Can someone tell me more about Advent?
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of all...I love the fall decorations and colors, reds, browns, greens, yellow and oranges! I have been looking at Thanksgiving decorations online and found a really cute idea that we are going to make. Only we will not paint the sticks and we will stick to autumnal colors with a more natural look. I also bought a Thanksgiving paper craft kit last year and we didn't have Thanksgiving at home last year so we didn't use much of it and I think have some precut papers for these pumpkins that we will make as well. I am looking forward to hosting Thanksgiving at our home this year. I often waffle about a center piece because we usually try to stuff as many people as we can possibly manage into our home so it isn't a fancy, sit down with china occassion ( in fact we don't have those at all here). We are more Chinet plate go through the line and fill a plate and find a place to sit people. It is how it was at my Granny's house and then we continued at my Aunt's house until we all grew up and went our seperate ways (those still there do get together when they can but it will never be like those childhood gatherings).
If you live here locally and you don't have plans you are invited to our house, my husband and I aren't happy until the house is full, but be warned, we watch football on Thanksgiving, minus the commercials! (Actually, the men of the house watch, I cook and then visit and play games!)
What do you have for Thanksgiving? We literally have a ton of food and I love it all!
Mashed Potatoes
Pa-Pa's Aunt Helen's Sweet Potato Casserole
Green Beans (we have casserole if someone brings it)
Broccoli Casserole (a recipe from my aunt and my husband loves it dearly)
Cranberry Sauce
Deviled Eggs
Pies, usually pumpkin, pecan, and chocolate
Pumpkin roll and sometimes a dear friend brings chocolate roll cake for my son
I make sweet tea and we have sodas and water
I feel as though I left something out but I can't think of what it is right now.
Thankful....that's ME!
May the Lord find us faithful.
I do wish we lived in your area. I think the menu sounds awesome and your decorations will make it so homey! I miss gatherings with family from when I was a kid too. Here we often make that dinner (mostly my husband) and we gather the stragglers who don't have anywhere else to go, and we eat in our dining center, but it lacks the homey-ness that comes with holidays in someone's home with family and friends. No football games playing in the background, no sitting around and playing games...people often leave soon after the meal and I get a sense of letdown. Anyway, I didn't mean to moan when I started this comment... This year should be better because some of the staff and students of our Discipleship Training School will be around.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you all do in Alaska? I mean what is your husband's job?
We are contemplating a move to Alaska again. So much to think about.