Saturday, January 5, 2013


We made it through Christmas, the boys were sick the week before but were fine by Christmas Eve.
I shall not bore anyone with forty eleven pictures of my children opening presents, instead I post a picture of my wonderful husband, whom I love so much.

And photographic proof as to why I prefer opening presents on Christmas Eve,

verses Christmas Morning. 

Yes, I cannot believe I am posting this picture but alas, I am. Because even with squinty eyes and a funny smile I still look better on Christmas Eve than Christmas morning.
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  1. Melissa, you are too funny. You are beautiful in both pictures!!!

  2. I love the new family photo of you all, so pretty.

    When I pulled my camera out Christmas morning everyone just looked at me and I had to promise no photos would go online since everyone was in the pjs. :)

  3. Sweet picture of Otis. I think he was thinking of how much he likes/loves you. :o) I did laugh at your before and after picture. Too funny.
