Wednesday, May 14, 2008

About this pregnancy

It has been brought to my attention that some people have questioned whether or not I am happy about this baby. I am beyond thrilled about this baby! We knew this could happen and we joyfully accept this gift that has been given to us. It is difficult to sound thrilled when you are utterly so sick that you are exhausted after taking a shower and live with constant nausea and headaches. Also with my age it just is a more private time for our family. When you find out about your first you tell everyone and ask lots of questions, I have done this three times plus I have my family to think about and attempt to take care of .  Each child is a blessing and brings so much joy that is beyond my mind's grasp sometimes. How priviledged I feel to be given the wonderful joy of having another child. This is something that I do not take lightly. Also, I always feel so close to my husband during these times, maybe because I have to depend on him so much, but when we go through the delivery and spend those first precious moments with a new blessing, what joy!!

May the Lord find us faithful.


  1. I would imagine it would be hard to express your great joy when you are so sick. I will keep praying my sweet friend.


  2. All I have to say is this. Whoever questioned you about being happy about this pregnancy, obviously doesn't know you. I can say this, YES, SHE & O ARE HAPPY AND EXCITED. Sorry that you have to explain your emotions. Sad.

    Love and much prayers,


    John 15

  3. The only reason Melissa and Otis are sad is because Pa-Pa will not be there like the previous ones, I know I'm SAD about that. I am excited to know there will be another beautiful Rowland baby (I love those Rowland baby mouths)......

  4. Oh my goodness! Congratulations.....I didn't even know. Man, I've been away too long. I will be praying for you! :o)

    Love ya,

