Monday, July 1, 2013


Friday night I found broccoli, spinach and lettuce ready for the picking so we had salad for dinner. We also had salmon dip and watermelon.
Saturday was baseball and camp food prep day. Judith took this horrible picture of me and yet I post it here. Keeping it real.
Flower bed or jungle?  Either way, plants are growing. I have been slowly filling my flower bed with native perennials and I almost have enough for a full bed. The dog digs so I am planning on a wild rose bush or two hoping the prickly plants will deter her.


  1. You've been busy posting and I have been behind on leaving comments! Love all the summery pictures. And yes, I have never seen baleen for sale anywhere here. lol. Great job on Levi being the team captain. Yay!

  2. Looks really yummy.

  3. Sounds like things are keeping you busy. :)

  4. What a lovely dish! And oh my, if I hadn't read it first, I might have mistaken you for Judith at a quick glance. And what pretty flower beds. It amazes me what all you can get to grow up there. Have a lovely week my friend!
