Saturday, June 24, 2017

Out and About

 Well, here I am. I found my blog. So much has been going on here in the Last Frontier. The biggest changes are that our oldest is moving away to start an internship with a media company. Never fear, he is still in Alaska. How amazing is that??? After his summer work on the river he will begin a one year internship learning about video production.  The other big change in our family is that I spent the winter working on getting my teacher certification and I have accepted a position as an advisory teacher with a school district and I will be working with home educating families. Yes, I will still be educating my children at home. Life will be a bit different as I will have the job responsibilities but this is just the fit for our family at this season of life.

Top photo: A waterfall in Valdez, Alaska

I attended a Math for Teachers Course at the end of May and one of our activities for the class was kayaking to Valdez Glacier. Alaskans do a great job when it comes to professional development for educators.