Monday, August 8, 2011

Since Wednesday

We have been busy since I post about our berry picking last week. Thursday we had friends come stay for a few days and we made zucchini relish while my wonderful husband was gone to gather our red salmon for the year. Friday we processed salmon, freezing and canning. This was the first year in many that we have canned any salmon, I learned that the noise of the canner, a two year old and trying to finish dinner is a wee bit stressful. Good thing that only lasts about 10 minutes, once we had eaten I could handle just the jiggling presser cooker much better.
School planning has begun, yes, I am a bit of a late bloomer in this area this year. Thankfully, I have most of our curriculum so it isn't that big of a deal that I am a late bloomer.


  1. mmm salmon! good luck on school planning...better late than never! We aren't starting until next week.

  2. Hey, you can't be late, just on your own timetable. That's one of the great things about this lifestyle. Like I said before, if I lived up there, you could not make me start school until winter!!!

  3. Sounds like you have been very busy. Glad things are going well. We started school this week, only because we'll be taking the last 2 weeks in August off for vacation. Feels weird to start so early.
