Saturday, March 26, 2011

Natural Bird Feeders

A couple of falls ago, while my husband was processing our moose meat, I discovered that a variety of birds would show up each morning to dine on the discarded moose bones that were awaiting the end of the processing process for proper disposal. So, I asked my husband if we could place a couple of bones in the back yard for the birds. So, during the winter months we leave some food out for the birds. And what a variety we attract.

I think the bird in this picture is a hairy woodpecker, even if he isn't a hairy woodpecker, he is some sort of woodpecker.
We  also have chickadees, grey jays and magpies on a daily basis.
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  1. Well, who would have thought? Very cool. So how many posts do you have up your sleeve? I like it!

  2. Interesting indeed. I would have never thought that I would put animal bones in my back yard to feed the birds. But, I love feeding the birds and this is very budget friendly. Also, since we live with no close neighbors it is very doable.
