Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Happy Birthday and Weekend Update

First of all, a Happy Birthday shout out to my Dad and Aunt Betty!

Monday began fine and quickly faded, bad attitudes and then after dinner I (the Mom and only parent home that night) came down with the stomach virus, yuck, yuck and double yuck. Thank am I for those older Blessings who fetched and carried for myself and their little brother. They took such wonderful care of the little guy; they fed, changed and watched him while I was down for a day and a half. They also did extra housework, including making simple meals for themselves. Kitchen training paying for itself right here. Made me realize how much I appreciate them and how all this challenging parenting is working.  And may add keeping up with most of their school work?...why, yes, it is my blog and I may add.
I am also thrilled that four rooms in my eight room house are clean at once? How wonderful is that? Wonderful for me.


  1. Sorry you were sick. But it's always great to see how the family can carry on in our absence. Glad you are feeling better.

  2. Isn't it amazing when the bigs pull together and really get the job done? I think they are learning so much more than academics by being home with us, ya know!

  3. You've got some great little blessings! How wonderful of them to take such good care of you and each other!

