Friday, March 28, 2008

House keeping

I have been doing a little spring cleaning around the blog today. The new look got me motivated as did a little free time today.  I am feeling much, much better today. Tomorrow should be grand!!

Last night and this morning I stitched up a new apron, my old one was just worn out. This one is okay but I am keeping an eye out for a new pattern that works for be a little better.  I will get a picture soon.I just have to wear an apron with all the flour flying when I make bread! Speaking of bread, we made monkey bread for tomorrow's breakfast. Blessing #2 is thrilled, she is a bread eater.

May the Lord find us faithful.


  1. Well, first of all, I am so glad you are feeling better. Praise the Lord. Second, I love your new avatar! And lastly, I am speaking from a master baker's daughter's point of view now, I have the best apron. It is from a restaurant supply store. It is old, but keeps on going. It gives you the coverage you need when you bake. It is plain white and I've thought of perking it up with some trim, but just have not done it yet. Do you have a restaurant supply store near you?


  2. I am glad you are better. I have enjoyed my free time. How about you?

    I love the new picture of you. It fits you perfectly.

    Well, I must prepare for my men's return this afternoon. That means I've to do a little cleaning.

    Love ya!


  3. My daughter has been cooking alot...

    you are giving me an idea about making an apron!

    I'd like to see a picture of yours.

  4. Thanks for stopping by yesterday.I am curious about how this journey will go, too! :-) Please, read the book so we can share about it!!!

    By the way, let me say with the others that your new avatar is great! And, I noted that the temps up there are not that far from down here in Haines. Three cheers for spring!

  5. I love the picture of you.
