Our dog, Emmy, went missing for about 5 1/2 hours today.
(Here is Emmy running around the blessings some time this winter. )
This is not a good thing. We have always purposed to be responsible dog owners, realizing that if a dog is not home under our watchcare, she could be a nuisance to someone else. Where was she? I have no idea, I walked a while calling for her and looking for her, then we drove through around looking for her. She finally showed up while I was washing the girls hair. Emmy used to run off regularly if we did not keep on her. She has not done this for so long that I cannot remember the last time she left, and she has never been gone this long. She will be leash walked for a while during the day while my sweetheart is at work. I do not know where she was but I am very thankful that she returned home. First thing tomorrow morning would have been a call to animal control. Glad that does not have to happen. I am also glad she came home as blessing #1 begins testing tomorrow and I would not want him to have that on his mind.
I will probably be hit or miss the rest of the week due to the testing and being out of the home for that.
May the Lord find us faithful.