Monday, March 31, 2008

Our dog

Our dog, Emmy, went missing for about 5 1/2 hours today.

(Here is Emmy running around the blessings some time this winter. )

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This is not a good thing. We have always purposed to be responsible dog owners, realizing that if a dog is not home under our watchcare, she could be a nuisance to someone else. Where was she? I have no idea, I walked a while calling for her and looking for her, then we drove through around looking for her. She finally showed up while I was washing the girls hair. Emmy used to run off regularly if we did not keep on her. She has not done this for so long that I cannot remember the last time she left, and she has never been gone this long. She will be leash walked for a while during the day while my sweetheart is at work. I do not know where she was but I am very thankful that she returned home. First thing tomorrow morning would have been a call to animal control. Glad that does not have to happen. I am also glad she came home as blessing #1 begins testing tomorrow and I would not want him to have that on his mind.

I will probably be hit or miss the rest of the week due to the testing and being out of the home for that.


May the Lord find us faithful.


 We woke up to snow this morning. I sure would not want to be out there in this today, there were huge standing water puddles in town yesterday from the melting snow. Today is our only full day home this week, so we must make the most of it. Blessing #1 has testing Tues. - Fri. so the majority of our day will be spent waiting for him. This week will be a stark comparison from last week! Must go be productive. Must go be productive. Bye,

 May the Lord find us faithful.

Friday, March 28, 2008

House keeping

I have been doing a little spring cleaning around the blog today. The new look got me motivated as did a little free time today.  I am feeling much, much better today. Tomorrow should be grand!!

Last night and this morning I stitched up a new apron, my old one was just worn out. This one is okay but I am keeping an eye out for a new pattern that works for be a little better.  I will get a picture soon.I just have to wear an apron with all the flour flying when I make bread! Speaking of bread, we made monkey bread for tomorrow's breakfast. Blessing #2 is thrilled, she is a bread eater.

May the Lord find us faithful.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

You know you homeschool when



Your son comes to you with the vacuum and gives you a thorough explaination as to how the vacuum works.

He is so much like his Dad.

May the Lord find us faithful.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I am still here. I have spent the week resting and nursing this head cold. Why thankful? I am thankful that I have the time to rest and let this cold work its way through.

My time is up today, the timer is buzzing, the muffins are ready! Yum.

May the Lord find us faithful.

Monday, March 24, 2008

• Mar. 24, 2008 - Chickadee

The bird feeders have finally started attracting birds. I was able to get a picture of this little Chickadee on Satuday. The picture was taken through the window and screen. I will be getting more acquainted with the ABO website, especially since we are studying the Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day with Apologia Science.

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Waking up Monday morning

I have felt this cold coming on for a few days and this morning, it won the battle and has settled in! I am okay, just a sore throat, cough and a little nasal activity. I have been taking GSE and black elderberry extract and with a little rest I should begin feeling better later.

The past few days have been so busy! I have had Ladies Bible Study then a Bridal Shower Friday night, Birthday party Saturday evening and a busy day Sunday, we had a few people over and enjoyed some fellowship with some known and some new church members. Today, home sweet home!!!!

Oh, what do you think of the new template. Many thanks to Ali at Missionfield Designs. My page is so "springy" now!

Here are the blessings ready for church Sunday morning.

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That is about all I can do this morning. Ya'll have a great day.

May the Lord find us faithful.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Resurrection Sunday

Focus on the Death, Burial and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

May the Lord find us faithful.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Over at the Sparrow's Nest

Mrs. Wilt is posting on modesty, she is not telling us what to wear.....

Pop over regularly and see what she has to say. I am thinking this will be a good heart searching series.   A link to the sparrow's nest is also on my left sidebar.

 May the Lord find us faithful.

Spring and a garden book

Last year when we were working through Five in a Row Volume 4, I was very good about posting some of my favorite books here for all to see and find for themelves. This year has not been that way. BUT, today I have a book for you. Here it is:


Jack's Garden

I have not read this book to my blessings yet, but we will next week. (We still have snow on the ground you know) I love some of the drawings in this book and it will jumpstart your garden yearnings. I do not know where this book came from, it was on our bookshelf. Why have I had this book on the shelf and never read it? Who knows. Happy Spring, where's my snow shovel?

May the Lord find us faithful.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Rosetta Stone new program

Rosetta Stone has been the #1 foreign language curriculum among homeschoolers for a while -- next week they are unleashing a brand new curriculum, and you can WIN the *all new* Rosetta Stone Homeschool Version 3… FOR FREE! 

This is a $219 program (and believe me it's worth every penny!) and the winner gets to pick from any of these 14 languages: Spanish (Spain or Latin America), English (American or British), Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Irish, Hebrew, or Russian.

This will also include a headset with microphone, and students will participate in lifelike conversations and actually produce language to advance through the program.  Rosetta Stone still incorporates listening, reading and writing as well, in addition to speaking.  Many homeschoolers requested grammar and vocabulary exercises, and with Rosetta Stone Homeschool Version 3, they're included!  For parents, the new Parent Administrative Tools are integrated into the program and allow parents to easily enroll students in any of 12 predetermined lesson plans, monitor student progress, and view and print reports. 

 To win this most excellent program -- in the language of your choice -- copy these (blue) paragraphs and post it in (or as) your next blog post -- then to enter the contest, go to the original contest page HERE:  and leave a comment with the link showing where you blogged about it.  And please make sure the link works to get back to the original contest page when you post it.  And good luck!  The winner will be picked randomly on March 26, and will be notified thru the link they left to their blog pg.   And if you have more than one blog, you can post them and enter those separately for more chances to win.   Yay for free stuff

May the Lord find us faithful.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy Birthday to you!!!

Today is Pa-Pa's birthday, I am a little late in posting this today but better late than never. (I also just mailed her present today as well, but I told her that I was just trying to prolong her birthday month celebrations)


Flower Card

Happy Monday to all.


May the Lord find us faithful.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Case dismissed

Things went well in court today, the case was dismissed, no fine, no points against. Yahoo! Thank you Lord. This has been a long month! Glad this part is over.

May the Lord find us faithful.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My Dad




May the Lord find us faithful.


It dawned on me a little while back that I am not documenting our learning processes as I once did. I have been more focused on the family aspect of things, but then we are HOMEschoolers, so that explains that. I have been putting together a little study on bees and we began by reading Parables from Nature by Mrs. Alfred Gatty. We read the section called Law of Authority and Obedience which is about bees. Then I did my research mainly using homeschool share ( I love that place and I am thankful for those who have gone before me and made my way a little easier), gathered what I wanted and presented it to the blessings. They love lapbooks but I do not like them because of the storage of finished lapbooks, I was not in the proper organization mode to put together a notebook this week. (Any hints on lapbook storage?) Lapbook it was and lapbook it will be.  Today I read from this book about bees and we read about the worker bee today.

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Here is my stack of papers for them to choose from.

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Today they cut out a bee life cycle wheel

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and wrote what a worker bee's job is. Blessing #1 wanted to know why they females went out to work!

Did you know that a bee has 5 eyes? 2 compound and 3 simple eyes. They do.

The whole time he was cutting he was talking non-stop!

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Thank you for checking in with us today, I am getting a little better at keeping things updated now. Also, please pray as tomorrow morning is court date for sweetheart's traffic citation. We really want it to be dismissed as he should have never been given the ticket in the first place.

 May the Lord find us faithful.

Monday, March 10, 2008


One of the blessings picked up a book on cd at the library last week. We usually just listen to them in the van, but this one was one that had to come in to be finished in the house. They brought all the comforts of home into the kitchen to listen. We need to get a second cd player. The only working cd player is my under cabinet one in the kitchen. Oh, see the big bag of Prairie Gold by the fridge. I am actually getting a little better at this bread making thing, finally. March2008003.jpg picture by kaysmarmey

May the Lord find us faithful.

Snow bowl 2008

No, unlike many of you in the lower 48, we did not get new snow this weekend. Actually, it was quite warm here for this time of year.  Water is regularly dripping off of the roof and the blessings have gone out with all the normal winter gear covering their bodies. Saturday evening was the first ever snow bowl 2008. What is that you may ask? Well, it is the classic backyard, or side yard in our case, family football game.

Here is the huddle. Here is how they play. Dad is always quarterback and blessing #3 is always on offense as well. Leaving one person for defense.

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I love the posture and face my sweetheart is making. It is a face he uses when he is really goofing off with me and/or the blessings. I love it, it is so playful.

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This is a-okay playing!

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May the Lord find us faithful.

Friday, March 7, 2008


Kellieann tagged me today to post a picture of my desk. Kellieann, I would like to come over and scrapbook with you if my commute were not so long! I also would not like to haul all my stuff up to Hilltop Academy just to turn around and have to take it back home. But I would still like to scrapbook with you.


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I am not tagging anyone in particular but if you feel froggy, jump in and consider yourself tagged. Well, Pa-pa, I tag you. I want to see your desk. Just because you are a college student now and all! And I really really, really want to be in Florida right now to actually see your desk.

May the Lord find us faithful.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


I have to admit that I do not care for shoes. I wear them, but I have wide feet and do not like to shoe shop because of that. I do love clogs.

You Are Clogs
You are a solid and down to earth person.
You seek  and almost always achieve  a really sound balance in your life.

You are stylish yet comfortable. Mellow but driven. Excited yet calm.
You are the perfect mesh of contradictions.

No matter what happens, you have the ability to stay well grounded in your life.
People know that they can truly depend on you.

You should live: In Europe

You should work: At a company dedicated to helping the world

May the Lord find us faithful.


Happy Friday,

The week has gone quite well. We had our guests on Monday and I was battling a sinus headache on Tuesday, so school was sporatic at the beginning of the week. Yesterday and today were a little better. The girls have been scrapbooking the past two days. It all started with making a birthday card for their Grampa and using their scrapbooking supplies to make the cards. Today they scrapbooked again. I also realized something. Scrapbooking is great for spelling and writing (as I have told them they must journal on most of their pages) I spend the whole time spelling words aloud to them but I would rather do that than have them spelling incorrectly, you know the whole incorrect picture of the word thing.

  • Once the eye sees a misspelt word, that image remains; and if there is also the image of the word rightly spelt, we are perplexed as to which is which.   Home Education p. 241

May the Lord find us faithful.

Monday, March 3, 2008


Howdy again, twice in one day. No, I am not spending my day online, just popping back in. The little people are all getting geared up to head outside. I just helped the one who needed help and my youngest is taking him out now. I am getting ready to do a quick home blessing and make a batch of bread. I am getting the grinding out of the way while the blessings are getting geared up so I can listen for any noises!  I know that most of the country is beginning to have spring like weather or at least a little relief from the coldness of winter, BUT, we are still in full swing of winter. In fact, Winter Carnival is beginning here in our area. That said I found this quote that I thought I would share.


"Winter is the time for comfort...

It is the time for home."

Dame Edith Sitwell

May the Lord find us faithful.


All I can say is that it is Monday. Thankfully, we have a distraction today, we brought home a couple of boys from church last night who had parents out of town and Grandma had to go to work today.  The blessings are busy playing with friends, I have the typical Battleship sounds in the background, you know c-4, I-4, etc.

Our weekend was fairly uneventful, I spent most of Saturday afternoon at our church getting things ready for a Sunday night potluck to celebrate the Pastor Emeritus and his wife on  40 years of faithful service at our church.

I plan on using my day to get some cleaning and decluttering accomplished since the blessings have friends over, I must make the most of the nonschool time.


May the Lord find us faithful.