Monday, January 14, 2013

Feast or Famine

Seems as though I cannot find a blogging schedule or routine. I either post multiple posts in one day or post not at all for a week. And I most certainly struggle with scheduled blog posts such as weekly reviews, which I dearly desire to produce.

O well, let's catch up on last week. We started back to school last Monday and then on Tuesday we were out and about almost all day, piano in the morning then home for lunch and chores then back out for grocery shopping and a gym time. Wednesday we got a partial day of school work squeezed in and then I was off to Anchorage for the day Thursday for my thyroid appointment with the endocrinologist and shopping. I got in enough shopping for a good long time, I just do not enjoy shopping at all. I was glad to get home as I had started coughing Wednesday evening and he coughing increased throughout the day on Thursday but I was not miserable while on my day trip, minus the plane ride to Anchorage that morning, I was miserable on take off and landing. Yes, I had to fly to Anchorage to see a doctor. Well, I didn't have to fly, we choose for me to fly opposed to a six to seven hour drive, hotel room, meals, etc. I did eat at my favorite Mom and Pop place there and at Olive Garden so that was a treat. I also bought a couple of things that I cannot find here and a couple of new clothing pieces but that was it. I had high hopes for clearance deals, but the prices were not low enough for me. Did I mention that I do not enjoy shopping?

My flight arrived back in Fairbanks around eight that evening and on the way home my husband wisely informed me that since I had been awake since 3:30 am that I was to go home and straight to bed. He has learned that his wife: 1) doesn't travel well 2) does not function well on little sleep. 

Friday morning I woke up feeling yucky and the cough was worse. Odd, almost weird cough, not productive but not dry but definitely a deep cough. I just felt tired and a little achy but thankfully no fever and no other symptoms. I hung out on the couch while the family made a quick trip to town and back and then out for some snowmachining. My husband reworked and added a couple of shelves to the pantry so I helped with the clearing out and reshelving items in the pantry. Now the pantry seems better organized, so nice. Also, I did manage to make dinner Friday and thankfully made enough for leftovers on Saturday because I felt yuckier on Saturday.

By Sunday evening I didn't feel achy but still coughing but it seems a more productive and not so deep a cough. I was able to get my bearings for school for the week as we have few distractions out side of the home this week, I think. I'd better check that schedule.


  1. Sounds like a pretty fun time in Anchorage minus the dr. appointment (I do like shopping). Sorry to hear you were under the weather but glad you are feeling better...hope you spring back to 100% this week.

    I'm with you. It's hard to be consistant with blog posts, but I always enjoy hearing from you! I see you are 28° right now and we are 3°. Maybe I should come up your way to warm up. haha

  2. Aw, sorry you were sick. I'm sure the traveling was no fun.

  3. Sounds like a very busy week. So sorry you weren't feeling well, glad you are doing better. I had that kind of cough too, I completely understand what you mean. I hope you continue to feel better. :)

  4. Oh no. Sorry you were sick!
