Saturday, October 22, 2011

Week In Review—Week Seven


Church, Judith and I taught the 4 & 5’s during worship service. Home for a yummy lunch of moose roast, mashed potatoes, carrots, gravy and homemade bread. Judith made banana pudding for dessert, yummy!

We spent Sunday afternoon getting airline tickets for a spring trip to the lower 48, then back to church for evening service.


A good school day, much accomplished. When everyone finished their morning school work they headed out to play in the freshly fallen snow until lunch time. And they were right back out there after dinner.


When the Blessing woke up each one came in with complaints of not feeling well, Judith even seemed a bit relapsed as she has already had this for a couple of weeks. I notify our piano teacher and the honey lady that we were staying home. The snow was coming down all day so we did a little morning school work and then we rested all afternoon.

After dinner I was out the door for grocery getting. I missed my helpers!


Benjamin woke up at 4am and was up until Daddy left for work at 6 am…needless to say, we went back to bed.
We had a late start to our day. I let the big Blessings take their time getting going. I read aloud for a while in the morning and ended up finishing the book this afternoon. The girls feel better but Levi is still not feeling great. I did inform him that tomorrow was a regular school day. Daddy and the girls went to church tonight while the boys and I stayed home. I got a few household chores accomplished.


Still had some not feeling so great kids so the school work was minimal but a few lessons were finished.

We are now into woodstove season so I needed to move a few things around in the family room to make things more manageable and eye pleasing for me. I did this right before bed and was quick about it. Still needs some tweaking but we will get there.


Dad had to work today so the day seemed odd, we were able to put in a full school day though.

I canned chicken stock after dinner and Judith, Elisabeth and I cut apples for applesauce. The apples were cooked and sauced and in the fridge before bedtime.


Apple canning day. More apples to peel and slice for canning sliced apples and the apple sauce to can.

The canning for this week:

Applesauce in the front, apples in the middle and the chicken stock in the back.


I made pinto beans, cornbread, smoked sausage with potatoes, onions and peppers and we are going to have our first taste of the sauerkraut. Oh, and bread too! I had run out of wheat berries and was able to pick up more on Tuesday and it has taken me this long to make the time for bread making.  Needless to say, my house is a wreck but I have worked hard today and we are having leftovers for lunch tomorrow!

I do believe this is the first Week In Review that has been posted in a timely manner.


  1. Sounds like you have been a busy, busy lady. The moose roast sounds yummy and I like all that you have been putting up. Do you have to pay a lot for apples up there?

  2. I need to talk with you about canning chicken stock. I always freeze mine, but that is brilliant.

  3. Wow, sounds like a busy week. Sorry about the sicknesses, never fun. How much snow did you get? I can't believe it's that time for you already. Hope everyone is feeling better now. :)
