Thursday, February 7, 2008

Blogger Friend School #13 Meet my Bible

    1. How old is your Bible?  I am only going to choose one here, I have many. This Bible is about 10 years old

    2. Why did you chose this Bible? Recommended by my then Pastor's wife

    3. Do you highlight/mark passages in your Bible? Yes

    4. If so, what is your system for marking passages? There really isn't one, I do have a few marked specifically with explainations in the front

    5. Do you have notebooks to record things? Yes

    6. If so, how many and what do you record? One for Bible reading notes and prayer requests. I have one I carry to church to take notes.

    7. Where is your favourite spot to read your Bible? My chair in the family room

    8. Are there any special thoughts about your Bible you want to share?  This Bible is well used and falling apart so I keep it at home for my daily Bible reading. This is the Bible I began using when we started attending the church we are in now. (Before that time I was backsliden and apathetic, ya know,  just not serving the Lord, living for self, etc. I don't ever want to go there again. It is an empty place.)Therefore it is marked from many Sunday School lesson verses taught by Aunt Sue, who taught me to study my Bible and know the Word for myself. So, it is very dear to me as she is no longer teaching Sunday School.  I would love to have at least two more of these Bibles over the years to mark up and to be able to leave a well worn marked up Bible for each of my blessings to have.

    Hop on over to Nancy's Nook to pick up your assignment and post to Mr. Linky, class is back in session!!

May the Lord find us faithful.


  1. Thanks for coming by and joining the BFS. I really loved your Bible introduction. My father's Bible, the one marked up inside, is very worn as well, and falling apart, so I only use it at home. I hope you'll enjoy the assignments to come and keep participating.


  2. Very fun! Thanks for sharing! Old/well used Bibles are the best! I like these questions. I better get busy and get my assignment done.

  3. Nice to meet ya! Great getting to know you.

  4. Thank you Melissa, for the link. I will go check it out now. :)

  5. Thanks for sharing!! What a neat idea of leaving Bibles marked up with their mother's thoughts for each of your children.


