Thursday, September 13, 2007

Just tickled pink

May the Lord find us faithful.

I was just thinking on the way to town this morning(I had the ever dreaded but necessary trip to the OB/GYN for the annual exam) that I would love to get pictures of our family on Sunday after church with the fall colors but that I would have to get someone to take the pictures with their camera as we are limbo. Then, this afternnon a camera came in the mail. I knew it was coming but not that fast.  I am very thankful.

Now, we have had a few girly days this week with it being hunting season and all. So,we have watched cooking shows and made homemade pizza and made some cream filled cupcakes using the girls ever expanding supply of kid sized cooking "sets". Today's girly time was to consist of painting these cheapo ceramic animals that the girls had bought at WM. I have been putting them off because of the mess. Today was the day. We arrive home from the morning appointment and some thrift shopping (no finds) and the girls go looking for their supplies. One could not find her stuff. I looked for a minute and then I stopped and said we were going to pray that the Lord would help us to remember where we had put them/ to help us find them. I prayed aloud so the girls could hear. I asked God to help us find them and thanked Him for caring about the little things and for wanting us to ask His help. Then I had to finish what I was doing but told her I would come back and look up high. I looked up high and nothing. Then, while I was in their closet I decided to restack some art supplies that are kept down low. Then, I moved something and there they were, neatly stored with some other art supplies in a handy hanging organizer that had gotten hidden by dress up clothes. What a wonderful God we serve, I would not want to even handle the little things by myself. We both prayed and thanked God for answering our prayer. What a wonderful thing for a child to see that even though we cannot see God, he  is  a loving and caring God who wants to answer our prayers big or little.


  1. and for your children to experience such a blessing. I should do that more so that my children can see how wonderful God is even for small things. Thanks for the encouragement.


  2. Yes, He is able to hear our prayers big and small. It is amazing that He would care about little things with so many of us asking all the time!!! I've learned to always ask Him first when I misplace something. And now you will be able to post pictures of your creations!


  3. What a wonderful lesson for your children - God truly answers prayer. Praise the Lord!

  4. Congrats on your new camera! Lovely pictures below. I was chatting with a friend of mine and we were laughing at each other b/c niether one of us read the directions that came with our cameras. Mine has 3 options and I have no clue what they are all for. I just use the one the camera was set on when I got it. I wonder if mine has that Sopia function? Hmm....I'll have to dig those directions out. Glad you've had some fun girly time, and that God is blessing you with His ever presence.



  5. You girly times sound fun. Glad that you have a camera too.

    Blessings, Mama Karen
